Whoever thought you could really use crayons to create art? This guy does!
My personal favorites are the portraits, but then I just like portraits in general . Can you believe the detail that he can get with crayons? He does it all with Crayola brand, which does not surprise me.
Wow, this guy is really good! I can't believe this is all done with crayons. I guess I should encourage my kids to use them a bit more, maybe they will be famous crayon artists one day. I like the portraits as well, but I think the scenics are the best. I like the fall day scenic picture, its so colorful and beautiful, its really amazing what he has done.
This guy is truly gifted, and it's great to see such lovely work, done completely by his skill and the humble crayon.
It's quite strange to think that most adults don't even pick up a crayon any more, as they tend to only be associated with something that you use as a child!
At least his art is completely unique, and very refreshing!