Art Is Relative Isn't It?
Name: Lee
Comments: If it is relative why do people judge something they see as good or bad if it is really just their point of view?
There are several "main" rules in every branch that you must never brake. But many other things are open for discussion. Beauty is in eye of beholder, but your work has to have the quality... Keep working and improving, ask many people for different opinions and critique and u will get better in time.
You will often see famous artists doing some crazy and extraordinary stuff that in my [opinion] are rather ugly but they can afford that at their point in career. We have to grind our way up to get there though.
p.s. Don't take any critique personal. Everything matters you just have to have a thick skin.
Lee, that's because in art there are techniques that must be followed otherwise everyone does whatever they please and they expect to make it as a masterpiece even though it may be trash.