Green Christmas
Will there ever be a "Green Christmas" in the future?
We have a lot of green christmases due to the lack of snow at times. Last year we had a nice white christmas due to a lot of snow. I still have pictures of my yard covered in snow.
If you are talking about being "green" as in healthy for the earth then we are slowly getting there. With people using gift bags and such there is less need for wrapping paper. Many of those that do use wrapping paper get in recycled nowadays with curb side recycling that is in most cities. I think as time goes on many more things will be reused and recycled to make christmas good on the environment.
As the general public becomes more "green" we will slowly move toward a greener Christmas and other holidays. LED Christmas lights use less energy and last a lot longer. The big question is which is greener, an artificial tree that saves live trees but will eventually end up in the landfill or a live tree that is renewable?
With all the christmas tree farms I think that having a real tree will be a more cleaner or greener way of christmas. I need to replace my lights with the LED lights so I use less energy. At least I only use these lights for one month or a little over that. I place my lights on the house after thanksgiving and do not take them down until after the new year has rung in.
LED light replacement programs have created more garbage then they have reduced. Unless they do last a long long time people are replacing fully functional lights.
If the set is done you are looking to replace it then that is different. My sets all started dieing last year so we hit the after Christmas sales and replaced what was bad. I stripped the wire and recycled the rubber and put the wire to the scrape yard. Most place the wire in the garbage. Not very green after all.
One string 35 lights led is 1.8 watt run 1000 hours (20 day at 5 hour a day) cost 1.8kWh time 13 cents. The same string incandescent is 5 watt per bulb 35*5=165watt run same time uses 165 kWh times 13 cents=21.45 the led costs 0.23 dollars to run 20 days. So yes there is a good payback just a ton of garbage to start.
Jesus? No...Green? Yes!
People will fight tooth and nail to make sure no school mentions anything about Christmas, especially the guy it's named after, Jesus. BUT, when a 'holiday' play is done, it's perfectly OK to have the little kids dress up as trees and sing 'it's getting hot! the ocean's rising!' in a sequence of a play about the horrors of global warming. Watch the video here. These crazy enviro nuts are doing their cause a disservice because people won't stand for this kind of indoctrination for very long...or will they?
Ref. Glenn Beck
Yes it is true we can do every thing but not mention God in school sell drugs, prostitute and have group sex on the side walk. We can as my children did have a concert that has nothing to do with why we are having a holiday that every seems fine taking off. Let me hang my incandescent bulbs and the neighbors will nay say me. Go figure.