As the world is rotting from pollution we are inventing new and better batteries with the hope of storing electricity from solar and wind power so nuclear and fossil fuel can be trashed. Is this new aluminum-ion battery a major step to this end? It certainly will put electric car charging into the forefront of reality of today not just a pipe dream that almost works for the average family.
Here is a link to the article on the new technology is this going to help reduce our carbon print? I think it is a good first step.
The Glob and Mail
Makes me think we will see more electric race cars and a quicker advancement in this technology then we have in the past.
Imagine a quiet indy 500.
As far as I know they are intending international and there is a huge market that it ripe for the picking just ask Tesla. Not to mention they are making a flexible model for cell phones which will not over heat. So that might be the saving grace after all how many more lawsuits can they afford.