Green Agriculture
Aren't farmers already "Green" or can they go even "Greener"?
Many farmers pollute as bad as any factory with the harsh chemical they use. To be green they have to use biodegradable or no pesticides. I think even the use of a tractor is becoming a issue in some of their eyes. After all to be truly green all must come and return to the earth with no negative side effect.
I think one has to think in various degrees of green. what am I doing and is there more environmentally friendly solutions out there that are usable. Some times the alternatives are too costly.
Yes, more and more farmers are trying to be more green. Right now many of the products out on the market are not all that good for the environment. I know some farmers are electing not to put some chemicals on their fields while a neighboring farmer does. I think many farmers can be more green but I also think newer ways of thinking needs to come to the fore front for it to happen on a larger scale.