Mormon Goals 2016

Mormon Goals 2016 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 13th Feb, 2016 - 3:12am

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Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2015 - 1:56am / Post ID: #

Mormon Goals 2016

Mormon 2016 Goals

What are some of your Mormon goals for the new year 2016?

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Post Date: 3rd Jan, 2015 - 5:39am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Goals Mormon

Setting Religious Goals

Often, his resolutions overlap with his Christian faith. In the past, he's set goals to read the Bible more and memorize verses, but he's failed at most of these, too. Ref. Source 9p

14th Jan, 2016 - 3:55pm / Post ID: #

Mormon Goals 2016 Studies Doctrine Mormon

I will like to read some more of the Book or Mormon than I usually do, you know - make it a more intense study than simply trying to read past everything.

Post Date: 15th Jan, 2016 - 12:03am / Post ID: #

Mormon Goals 2016
A Friend

Goals Mormon

Goals for 2016, get baptized to cleanse myself from the Sins of this Generation and from the LDS Church; not my choice, the Lord told me why and when to have it done.

Continue to read scripture, pray and continue to pray and seek to be Christ like, and to become Zion. Only those who are Christ like, from be sanctified by him, will be able to enter into his presence, to have your calling and election made sure, and it will be those who will become Zion.

Rather off topic, but...
It is a false idea to think, we can simply be LDS Members and follow the rules, and become Zion, if that was possible, it would of already happened, we had almost 200 years to do that as a Church.

11th Feb, 2016 - 11:07pm / Post ID: #

Goals Mormon

Am I reading you correctly that you have a goal to be baptized outside of the church? If that's what you're saying then why do you put that as a "Mormon Goal"?

Post Date: 12th Feb, 2016 - 1:32am / Post ID: #

Mormon Goals 2016
A Friend

Mormon Goals 2016

Being LDS in a sense does not make one necessarily a Mormon, and if you believe in the Book of Mormon, and Joseph Smith, does not make you a Mormon. I am also a literal decedent of Nephi, does that extend my claim some. Being Mormon, being a Latter Day Saint, really has nothing to do with the LDS Church; but we all think so, as they have commercialized on it sense they took over since Joseph Smith's death.

I put in my goal too, to cause people to think; years ago, it was somewhat common to get re-baptized while in the Church, even going way back, Christ had those who survived the calamities before he appeared to them in the Americas, to be re-baptized. When Christ was with his people, people were baptized, again, even though baptized by John.

If the Lord requires me or anyone to do something, even to be re-baptized, to cleanse themselves, from the sins of this nation/people, and the LDS Church; who could refuse not doing so, without displeasing and coming under condemnation from the Lord. Anyone who has really read and understood the Book of Mormon and Joseph's Words; must realize that this LDS Church was never meat to last, but slide into apostasy; which they are in a de facto state already.

All of the warnings in the Book of Mormon, are about the Gentiles, in reference to the LDS Church especially, and those Gentiles running it, and generally the others as well. The warnings in the Book of Mormon, would be for those who have read it, not those who have not, and have no idea. In reference, Nephi and etc used the word Gentile, to mean those who came from Europe, and those who are not from the Seed or Nephi and his Brethren.

Unless you have had your eyes opened by the Lord, had the dark scales removed, you must have no idea what I am talking about, and think me mad. The time of the separation of the tares from the wheat and the goats from the sheep, is at hand.

I still attend Church for the moment, even though I see at some point, I may be asked to not attend. But not attending, does not make me not a Mormon and etc; unless I were to receive my calling and election made sure, and become a member of the Church of the First Born.

I have had my Baptism of Fire, the Companionship of the Holy Ghost, have had Christ come to me, twice in my life; I have the gifts of the Spirit in my life. We are told by Joseph and God, that we should all be as such, if we are on the right path. Not bragging, just pointing out, that God Lives, and his plan is in effect, and anyone can received the blessing he has offered us all.

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13th Feb, 2016 - 3:12am / Post ID: #

Mormon Goals 2016

I don't mean to be disrespectful but your ideas, DavidLJ, read really weird to me probably even apostate. You sound like someone who feels they are more righteous or on a different level than the rest of us.

> TOPIC: Mormon Goals 2016


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