Welcome Pathfinder Role-Player
Salutations. Be ye a dedicated warrior that seeketh adventure? For Pathfinder Play by Post start participating forthwith here: [+] Member Wars Role-playing Game Board where all the Member managed Role-playing Games are located. To create a Character look for any Thread that says "Create Character" and start there for instance: ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters.
Not sure how to put thy right foot in front of thy left? Seek help here: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me?
Hi Cyrusaether! There is another Pathfinder also accepting new characters: Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation. If you have any questions about site features please do ask here and someone will reply.
Thanks for joining my game. The link will take you to the main page for pfsrd but to get to the character creation it's located at this link.
Source 2y
Just go threw these when you decide your race and class and put the rolls into the forum so there is no cheating. Now that we got the others squared away for the most part it should be a smooth process to get you settled.
All races and classes are allowed (Non 3rd party though) although magic is HIGHLY illegal in most areas, especially where we start. Were allowing all of the traits that you roll to be allowed due to some previous issues which is fine, they don't add to TOO much. You are required to take a drawback however and remember, even if it's a story feat it's still a feat and I'll cut out them first if you already picked feats. Just a reminder. Have fun and hope to see you shortly!.