I have always had a relationship with God or Christ, even since I was a young; I guess I never realized that other didn't also. That goes for others feeling and being sensitive and a hypersensitive Empath path as well; I guess most can understand that, we just assume others are seeing and feeling what we are, but learned over time, it was not so.
The relationship increased after I joined the LDS Church,, somewhat, but the main derive that increased it, was reading the Book of Mormon daily, and the increase in trials I had from my post military health issues and an abusive wife, that is now my X for a few decades almost. The big change came in the relationship with, the Baptism of Fire, did not understand what the change was when it happened, think I may have f mentioned that; have only come to see it for what it was, only in last few years; same for receiving power in the PH from Christ himself, in vision form.
I have been a bit frustrated, but then maybe that is my test, I have not seen him while awake, or in person. Only in vision; I guess DS just made a comment that it does not matter in what form he appears to you in the beginning, if we stay on the path, one day, he will in person show himself. Since the Baptism of Fire, The Father and Christ have been in my head, 24/7 it never goes away, though might be not as active and strong when you are not focused on him and his will.
Until ones Baptism of Fire, one is not on the strait/straight and narrow path, to Celestial Glory and being like Christ; cannot happen without the Companionship of the Holy Ghost; no sufficient revelation without.
The signs and gifts of the Spirit, that have come to me, have come out of great need to survive and deal with my life's trials.
I have found that as I have learned from him, line upon line, the sanctification process continues to change me; he has told me, he has already paid for our sins, we just need to turn and learn from him. To repent is not so much, repenting from our weaknesses and sins, he covers theses; we need to be focused on learning truths from him. When it says obey the commandment and the word of God, that is what ti is talking about, his word to us, Spirit to Spirit, until we can come into his presence; the Book of Mormon is part of it, when we read, he can cause us to ponder and receive more then what we have read.
He told me not long ago, that my weaknesses and sins were not a part of the problem, but a part of the process, as long as I cleaved unto him. I learned that we cannot change anything really, he changes us, to be more like him, when we continue to follow him and internalize what he gives us, in the way of light, truth and knowledge. Joseph Smith, said;… A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge, for if he does not get knowledge, he will be brought into captivity by some evil power in the other world, as evil spirits will have more knowledge, and consequently more power than many men who are on the earth. Hence it needs revelation to assist us, and give us knowledge of the things of God.."
This fact blesses those who turn and listen to him, but curse those that do not, and instead listen to the Arm of Flesh, which is what I know is what happened to the Saints tin the Church. If we listen to the Arm of Flesh, we are denying Christ and the Holy Ghost; we then will not have the Holy Ghost, and the knowledge we need, to keep from being deceived by men.
It is good you are patient, it can take some time, I have taken almost an entire life time, to reach this point I am at now; but my local friend who sees like I do, he is only in his mid 40s. Some of the problem has been the curse on the Church too, that Christ has now lifted, with the aid of Denver Snuffer. That seems to be the problem with most, they grow impatient, too easily and then turn to listen to men instead.
Not all fellowships will be alike, DS even commented on that too, some will be more enlightened then others and some may fail over time. But as individuals, we don't have to, it has as you seem to know, it has always been between us and God/Christ, one on one.
I hope that our public discussion will at least cause some to reflect; anyone who believes that the LDS Prophet and Church will not lead you astray, and that it cannot fall into apostasy, does not know the Book of Mormon and it warnings, it speaks many times of it, but one needs the Spirit to see it.
Although others have and are seeing Christ, I have seen youtube films Jews and Muslims who have, and it has changed them, now they are teaching out to change others. The Lord is working to gather his sheep, the LDS Church is only part of it. But you may find that a Fellowship will most likely present the greatest percent of those who are like us, and or have seen Christ. I enjoy our fellowship, we have a song, the Sacrament, then we discuss Scriptures from the Book of Mormon, digging first, for the more important things for every to grasp. We just wear decent of nice casual not suits and ties. We let the Spirit direct the meetings, and all are encouraged to input and ask questions, if they feel comfortable doing so. The Spirit in our fellowship is many times stronger then anything I have every felt at Church, more like what I feel when I am home reading and praying or like now, chatting online.
David I had spent about an hour writing a reply to your text, but it got erased as I looked up a scripture. All things happen for a reason. So I will just give you the scripture. It's so nice to talk to someone that understands.
D&C 50 says
Your D & C 50 quote is good, but that was what always confounded me in the Church, for the others, it seemed to be only a one way thing, from them to me, but from me to them. It was later, the Lord showed me why, they did not have the Holy Ghost, just knowledge.
When I am with my local friend, it works great, we have both had our Baptism of Fire, and the Holy Ghost; I understand what he says and me him.
A added note, to the Faith=Holy Ghost=- Revelation thing I posted. I found further notes on it, when I was getting added light to it. I guess I like simple things, to understand things.
People with the Holy Ghost follow Christ, those without follow men.
People who follow men don't have the Holy Ghost.
People who follow men don't know Christ and the Father, and not a relationship with them, nor a testimony of him; to have a testimony of Christ, one has to actually have seen him, or at least heard him speak to them.
I find when you write then down, in a simple explanation it makes things so much clearer.
That is like, no faith = no holy ghost = no revelation, which = no exhalation.
This is one of the problems I found with Mormonism. Once a member really studies the roots of the church they begin to see that it isn't the same church that Joseph and Brigham established. Then you get members who become so aware that they feel the need to make other members aware of what they found and yet risk apostasy or excommunication. Its a revolving vicious cycle of who has the truth within a church that claims to have all truth.
Have you read or attended the talks of Denver Snuffer ? He helped me to see why I was felling from the Sprit I was about the Church. I don't really follow him put him on pedestal, I read with the Sprit and know what he says if true. In fact much of the data on the Book of Mormon he gives, the Lord had already shown me much of the same truths. He should give some X Mormons the hope, that they can come back, to what is being restored, without the LDS Church involved.
I have waited for decades, for the separation of the wheat and tares, and the sheep from goats, it was a bit scary in the beginning, but now mostly just exciting the day is finally here. Before I considered taking the new path,, I prayed and got a confirmation that it was the path to take; so have no reservations about what if, I know that my blessings are secure, the leaders never really had power to give or take away; it all comes from Christ.
I don't have a need to "Come back". Its contradictory viewpoints like yours that have shown me where I should be and who I should be following. Also, I don't know who Denver Snuffer is but unless he comes back as Peter or Moses or Elijah he will be just another link in the chain of those who have something to say about where to find the truth.
Denver Snuffer is the one God has called to restart what Joseph Smith began, that the others wanted, and kick Joseph to the curb. The Lord has told me, that there is no greater light since Joseph. He is restoring what God began, with Joseph Smith, that the others railroaded for their own prideful greedy agendas [..]
It is some thing one feels by the Spirit, as the Lord told Joseph, , My sheep know my voice, those that don't, are not my sheep,
Denver has been writing and giving lectures, to show everyone how things have been altered since Joseph, and of course that got him X'ed. But the Lord told Denver, that the Lord has withdrawn his support of the Church leaders in Salt Lake.
It is up to you, to accept of reject, what I say, that is your agency.
Oh so there is a new name now in Denver Snuffer to replace Joseph Smith? Too bad the name of Jesus Christ doesn't fit in there as the one to follow.