What are your thoughts about a Plutocracy and the following quote:
"Abolish plutocracy if you would abolish poverty."
-- Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1877-1881) - 19th President of the United States
I do not agree with this quote. A government of the wealthy is something that happens often getting rid of it will not get rid of the poor. In all societies that have been around since the dawn of man you have always had those whop were not as well off as others. I believe this trend will continue through time.
Is America becoming a plutocracy?
More than half of all members of Congress are millionaires. While the US is faced with unprecedented issues surrounding unemployment, food stamps, social assistance and minimum wage rates, it begs the question: has the US turned into a plutocracy? Ref. Source 5
Indicted gyrocopter pilot tells USA TODAY he'll use notoriety to reform campaign finance
Doug Hughes, the Florida mailman who flew a gyrocopter on the U.S. Capitol grounds last month, was indicted on six counts Wednesday. His bid to change campaign finance could cost him his job and his freedom. "Was it worth it? Absolutely," He told USA TODAY earlier on Wednesday. "I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of Americans have given their lives for the cause of freedom. Right now, there is a huge threat from within - that our government is shifting to becoming a plutocracy." Ref. USAToday
Its been like that for a very long time. While I understand his frustration in the end he is the one that's going to suffer because his act was against national security. Just imagine if everyone had a bright idea to do something like this, it would seriously affect our ability to protect heads of state.I
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 67 6.7%