I love this idea and think it's great that ICon (The Dungeon Master for the game I'm in) supports it too! I have noticed my character's class in his campaign is naturally quite strong, so I'm looking forward to taking "Story" feats for the next 5 feats I gain in the Pathfinder game (The last thing I want to do is cause power creep that results in the party facing super hard challenges and possibly dying just to challenge one character). Implementing this would give an added dimension to the game and go well with my planned feats "Landlord" and "Stronghold." Adding family into the mix would be even more entertaining, because I like to play games specifically for story and the ability to sandbox.
This is what I plan for it, and other suggestions should be stated now while I'm at it:
1. Upload for map of surrounding area
2. Upload for actual place
3. Description box
4. A selection of images that can represent your home base. This will appear on your Character sheet and link to a page specifically designed for your Character's turf.
Just minor suggestions. I hope the function to edit text will be separate to uploading the map, because I can imagine myself changing text far more often.
Also could we have a name box as well? Possibly linked to the character icon in game, so that it says:
Character Name
Class of Home Base and that last line a link straight to the base?
If that was done would it automatically apply to the GM character? I would prefer if it did.
Thanks for everything!.
Uploads are separate from the description text box.
The link to the Home Base will be via the Character Sheet. I plan to show an image of the home there as well but I'm considering if it should be based on the upload or selected. I'm also considering that the selected image should be done by the GM / Dungeon Master so that players do not select "Castle" when all they have is a "Hut".
By "Class of Home Base" you are referring to if it is a hut, fort, castle, mansion, etc? If not, please elaborate.
No, sorry, there should have been a new line.
The current character icon shows name and class,
I was suggesting a third line, "Of Jaren's Hold" for example where the name of the home base would appear on the character icon. It would potentially be a link straight to the home base.