Black service members are far more likely than their white comrades to face military punishment, study finds. Black service members were as much as two times more likely than white troops to face discipline in an average year, according to an analysis by Protect Our Defenders, an advocacy organization for victims of sexual assault and military justice. The group combed through Pentagon data from 2006 to 2015 for its report. USA TODAY received an advance copy of the study. Ref. USAToday.
Things must have changed in the military of late as when I was a MP in the army I was arresting more whites than blacks. Most of the people I was arresting was for some major crimes. I did arrest a few blacks, Hispanics and native americans, but the majority of arrests were white not black.
Even looking back to those others that were arrested or charged with crimes throughout the months I did not see a large number of blacks compared to whites. I think times have changed.