Dummy use link to ear infections
Parents should avoid using a dummy in infants who are prone to ear infections, research suggests.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7463911.stm
I have heard that before but thought it was just an old wives tale. I never used one and neither has my wife or our children and none of us had ear issues.
To me they are just nastey filthy items. Could it be related to the high bacteria they have? Sorry but they fall on floor way to often, not to mention they remain wet and just air dry most often after being in a mouth that has goodness knows what in there.
Could this extra bacteria be the cause?
We used to baby sit children with pacifies we boiled them twice a day. They also soon did not use them oat our house either. I just do not understand why people bother creating such a bad habit that they in a few months will suffer like crazy to break in the first place..Teat then sippy cup is my rule.