Green energy push planned for UK
British homeowners may face higher bills as part of a "green revolution" to reduce fossil fuel reliance.
There are plenty of 'bully boy tactics' going on regarding green issues within the UK, they're just obviously getting worse!
There have been some cases where the authorities have weighed out recycling bins, and fined the home owners if they think they haven't recycled all their garbage!
There was also another case where a man was actually recycling, but accidentally threw a letter into the recycling it wasn't a recycling item, they fined him and he ended up with a criminal record!
It's all wrong as far as I'm concerned, and definitely not the way to educate people about green issues!
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 29 2.9%
It's getting even worse now, as they are now rifling through your bins and if they find anything that is in the wrong bin...they tape the bin off with a huge sticker that says "Enviro-crime", and then they prosecute you!
The councils are making huge amounts of money out of people's recycled waste: ie.weighing and cashing in aluminum tins. To my mind, it's not about recycling but how much profit councils can make by cashing in and fining people.
There is an excellent idea globally called "freecycle" that most people have near them, and you join online for free and can give and receive most things...for example one woman put a thank you on the other day to say that she had received a settee, bed, carpets, washing machine, and cooker in the last few weeks, and all for free!
The idea is that people save things from going to the landfill by giving it to someone else who wants my opinion, it's a much better route to take than the one that the Government is taking. Our yards look ridiculous with 4 great big multi colored wheelie bins, I don't mind when it's genuine, but when I feel they're making money, it doesn't seem quite right!
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 29 2.9%