British Report Shows Three Down Syndrome Babies Daily Victimized by Abortions
London, England (LifeNews.com) -- A new report out of England shows three Down's syndrome babies are victims of abortion on a daily basis. The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) has responded to the news by proposing research on abortion for disability. John Smeaton, SPUC's national director, said: "We must find out whether pre-abortion counseling includes a warning that women are more likely to suffer psychologically if they abort a child because of his or her disability. We shall also carry out research among politicians. We'll ask them whether they support abortion on the grounds of gender or race. I hope that few of them will. We'll then ask them if they support abortion because of disability. If they do, we'll ask how they can reconcile that with opposing abortion because of the baby's sex or skin color." The research among politicians will begin with questionnaires to UK MPs but will be extended to other elected representatives. The increased likelihood of psychological problems among women who abort because of their babies' disability is described in "The psychosocial sequelae of a second-trimester termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality" by M C A White-Van Mourik, J M Connor and M A Ferguson-Smith, published in Prenatal diagnosis in 1992.
UK Govt Grossly Under-Reports # of Down Syndrome Babies Aborted
Some of the most common congenital abnormalities accounting for abortions in England and Wales are 'trisomies", in which there are three copies of one particular chromosome rather than two. Ref. Source 7
Mother's Womb: Most Dangerous Place For A Baby With Down Syndrome
The third Sunday of January is National Sanctity of Human Life Day and since that happens to be today I thought I"d share a few things that constantly weigh heavy on my heart. Ref. Source 4
Aborting People With Down Syndrome: No Such Thing as a Life Not Worth Living
I spent the afternoon today taking part in a "webinar" focused on providing support, Church teaching and information to families who receive a pre-natal diagnosis that their child will be disabled in some way. Ref. Source 2
Babies With Down Syndrome Are Aborted in the UK at Alarming Rates
If you have Down's syndrome and your mother lives in Ireland then your chances of making it to birth are considerably greater than if you have the misfortune to be conceived in England or Wales. Ref. Source 1
Down Syndrome Diagnosis is Often a Death Sentence for Unborn Children
There is a certain inborn genetic condition for which this country heavily promotes the death penalty.
Supreme Court Justices defend and uphold the right of the mothers of such victims to exercise the death penalty for their children. Where, I ask, are the lawyers to defend their right to live? Ref. Source 6
European Court: No Human Right to Kill a Baby With Down Syndrome in Abortion
In 2012, the European Court of Human Rights heard a case concerning a woman who filed a suit against a doctor for breaching his obligation to prescribe a screening test for Down syndrome. Ref. Source 2