ESPN Viewers Outraged That Lauren Hill Didn’t Receive ESPY Courage Award
On July 15, Bruce Jenner will be awarded the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY event in Los Angeles for his recent announcement that he is transgendered and will be living life as Caitlyn Jenner. However, some ESPN viewers aired their frustration on Twitter concerning the announcement, saying that other candidates have been overlooked. Ref. Source 8d
Lauren Hill Supporters Selling “The Real MVP” T-shirts After EPSN Denies Her ESPY Award
According to the Washington Times, supporters of Lauren Hill are so upset that Bruce Jenner was chosen over her for ESPN’s Arthur Ashe Award for Courage that they started selling t-shirts that have a picture of the teen with the words, “The Real MVP” and “Thank You Lauren” at the bottom. Ref. Source 8w
Espy Courage Award (Hover)