Nephi RPG Thoughts
A mini-journal of things learned...
Within this thread ONLY the player, AlaskanLDS in the Nephi RPG may post about his character and what they have personally learned as they have ventured to the Promised Land. this thread is not for discussion or to give hints about the game.
My Characters name is Ephraim it took me a couple times to get that far. I am now married to Dinah and it seems she may have a bit of a struggle going on spiritually. I have not seen where it would list those problems or if they will be forthcoming but I do know that it will be a huge key in our relationship and that we will need to follow the Lord and his commandments to allow the Liahona to continue to work through our righteousness. Onto Chapter 3
Tried to tackle Chapter 3 and WOW! I am so bad at Geography anyhow but I came upon a brilliant idea *smile* Bob and I are working on it for a Date Night Activity. There is nothing more than I like to do than discuss the gospel with my companion.
So we are going at it maybe a bit differently, we are going to work together as a husband/wife team--ED (Ephraim & Dinah) Can we put names in here?
Anyhow we are back with some ideas of where to look so we will update a bit later~
Finally got back to try chapter 4 and the lesson I am learning is ironic because lately I feel I have lost the intense focus I had on the Savior. I haven't forgotten him or anything like that but have other things in life that were starting to take priority. So, I tried a number of times, like 10 and found that my focus was not as good as I needed it to be.
So I will do some more praying and studying and praying and come back to try again--in life and in the game.
I am having a very difficult time in the testing of Chapter 4. My focus is only between 50-75% and I have gone and tried at least 15 or 20 times so far. I will have to try again tomorrow!
WOW this is a lot harder than I thought! I am not any closer than 75% on any of the tries since last months post. I wish the game knew how focused I am trying to be! I will endure!
I still cannot get over 149! FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS! !
I would be in real trouble if my mouse was in control--I will not give up though!
Okay finally! I still didn't make it but I did get to 170! I think I better try again tomorrow and go focus on reading my scriptures~ Getting closer to Chapter 5!