I've made some additional significant updates as mentioned: here. You should subscribe to that so you can know what affects your Role-playing Game.
You have everything in place as well as 3 Players now, therefore when is the start date for the Main Game?
If everyone is ready and eager to start, we could begin today. Though I would like another player or two, so we have a five character party.
As long as the player has completed their character sheet and I have given it a look over as well an approval they can make their first post at any time. That I believe is two out of the three players with their characters so far.
Edited: Thomaslee on 4th Feb, 2016 - 5:04pm
In this Thread: Don't Break A New Player's Enthusiasm I suggested that a GM could run a 'Prologue' or sideline adventure so no matter when new Players join there is always something to engage them until you get their Character together with the main group.
Thanks JB, I will reread through the thread and set something up. Though I do have the question of whether or not this could mean one could have more then one separate 'adventures' going on at the same time? Hmm, I think I could work something out.
I just updated the same Thread with this: How to Include New Players in a Current Game you can follow up there if you still need more help, however your Players should get a definitive time and date to start as well as what you are expecting / who you are waiting on so everyone is in the know.
I have found that waiting for the 'right moment' usually does not come easily and you have to be prepared for uncommitted Players that drop so that you keep the game moving smoothly.
Well since we have not yet started, and since everyone is starting in the capital, I think we should be good at getting most everyone started without having to worry about such. I also have a couple ways for everyone to eventually meet at the same place, so that should work out... Unless players decide to go their own path and that doesn't work.
Thanks for the help and advice JB.
Edited: Thomaslee on 4th Feb, 2016 - 11:29pm
Just looked over the Main Thread of your Role-playing Game, has it 'started'? In the spirit of Don't Break A New Player's Enthusiasm you should begin without 'waiting' for slower prospective Players to get their Character ready. Remember you can utilize smaller Scenarios in the same location so that Players have tasks to perform.
Actually if I were to be completely honest it has less to do with waiting for all the players to have a character made, and more with figuring out exactly how I will be starting this. But I may simply be putting it off. We need to get this moving, so I will put aside my uncertainty and made a post today.
Edited: Thomaslee on 18th Feb, 2016 - 10:34am