Sounds like they are not one unit yet. You should get them together and on their way to something so there is a central goal and then put a controversial wedge in it. For instance one or two of the character's past brings up something that might not be in the best interest of the others or maybe they encounter someone who does not believe they are capable and asks how they can prove it, etc.
Thomaslee, while I understand your situation, if you are going to participate in other Role-playing Games then you should first service your own Role-playing Game as it seems to be falling flat.
Role-playing Games should be seen to at least once a day and moved forward at least every two days. You probably lost a couple of Players from the lull and will have to work hard to keep those who remain.
I will try contacting those missing players, I would rather not move on without them, but I will post tomorrow if I can't get ahold of them. I understand what your saying JB and I want to keep this roleplay moving.
Thomaslee, you seem to be active in other Role-playing Games but not in servicing your own Role-playing Game. Your game is dying if not dead and this is an excellent example of: Game Master's Schedule Or Stop Waiting On Slow Players Guide. You committed to servicing your Role-playing Game daily (At least every other day) and need to move things forward.
Sighs, okay, okay I will see about moving this forward. I may have a few ideas that would allow me to post even if my players are not. Still, unless I can get my players to start posting regularly and in a timely manner I don't see this roleplay moving forward very quickly.
I will see about adding a few scenes with NPCs, and other 'events' taking place roughly at the same time as what is going on with the players' characters. Maybe I can even have a NPC or two join the rest of the party balanced at the same level as them at the shipyard or in the school.
It is especially troubling I have heard no word from Forderz. I was kind of depending on their character Aquamarine being a part of this and even looking forward to her being captain of the ship set aside for the part. Yet I can timeskip and then come up with a reason why she doesn't appear and move forward with Aquamarine if I must.
I want my campaign to work and for my players to have fun, but I readily admit my time away seems to have completely thrown the momentum off and even perhaps that of a wrench into the gears nearly stopping it completely. Of note though is that I purposefully have the schedule setup that I give my players time to post with the goal being more that they would have a couple of days to do so and not require a continuation every day.
Edited: Thomaslee on 14th May, 2016 - 5:08pm
Honestly I would prefer keeping the character in and playing them as an NPC... Yet at the same time I feel that could be considered inconsiderate to the player and there is a high chance I wouldn't roleplay her right, I may well even make her different from what Forderz wanted for Aquamarine.
Sighs, feels like a possible lose-lose situation to me, keeping the character in or taking them out… Or maybe I am over thinking this and making it a bigger problem then it actually is. I am relatively inexperienced as a Dungeon Master and never had to deal with a situation like this.
On the rest, sound advice. Question though should I move the story forward in a situation where no one posts within a day's time? Like if 24 hours goes by and none of my players have posted? Today may be such a day, though admittedly it is Sunday so I believe it is fair perhaps not to count today?
Edited: Thomaslee on 15th May, 2016 - 4:45pm
Thomaslee, I feel you are over thinking / over analyzing what can be a simple situation. First, you are in charge, its your game. You move it along how you need it to move along. If a Player is not showing up then you take over the character by giving background tasks as you would any NPC, you do not have to give yourself extra work by role-playing the Character too.