Alberta has been flooding the news of late due to the tar sands that are so loved by many but killing us Canadians.
It seems this monetary machine is getting much bad publicity of late so much that the USA is strongly considering the withdraw from its usage. We export vast amounts of oil to the States but again here comes this Asian influence same as Saudi Arabia. Could the States isolate themselves from all supplies based on prices and environmental issues? With an economy that is already under great duress I doubt huge gas price increases are what they desire.
Here is what our Alberta Government had to say.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%
Sounds like it is going to be interesting on how this all plays out between the US and canada. I wonder if anything could be done to reduce the amount of green house gasses that are being released? The whole process of removing the oil from the sand sounds interesting. But maybe another way can be found that is cleaner.
I think there is and improvements have been made from past practice. The real issue is can they reduce it enough to meet the requirements put on industrial customers of today.
If they get closed it will be a huge economic issue so if the States says no thanks we will get cheaper oil then before and so will Asia. Funny how if something is dirty and nastey the Asian just take it regardless.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%
After all this squabbling it seems the USA now want a pipe placed from Alberta as does Asia. Alberta the next Saudi's?
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%
Yeah I know I have done research on it. When they are done harvesting the sand from areas are they not supposed to try and get the land back to a usable form? Are they replanting trees? What do they do with all that sand that is left over after cleaning it of oil? Those large areas of nothing but sand after the water has evaporated from it is that causing problems?
If I recall rightly once the area is stripped of the oil the dirt is put back and replanting done. the issue though is what about all the pollution they put in the air and water in the process?
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%