Thomaslee's Ponyfinder: Age Of Adventure Main RPG - Page 15 of 20

Cobalt seemed to believe him, as to Sly as - Page 15 - Comic / Anime PBP RPGs, Reviews - Posted: 3rd Jul, 2016 - 11:23am

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21st Jun, 2016 - 1:00pm / Post ID: #
Zero Zodiac

Novice / Middle Rear
Character Sheet

Thomaslee's Ponyfinder: Age Of Adventure Main RPG - Page 15

And Unmarked says...

Zero sees no risk in continuing drinking and seems to be making friends. His eyes naturally head towards all the other ponies' cutiemarks, perhaps out of jealousy.

"Nice to meet you too. So what does your mark mean?" He asks.

Out of Character: Did the 28 Arcana reveal any more about the enchantment? My 1/week reroll wasn't used since I rolled above 10 on the die.

Zero Zodiac Results:
  • Endurance on D20 (+1): 21 (1 roll)

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22nd Jun, 2016 - 3:46am / Post ID: #

RPG Main Adventure Age Ponyfinder Thomaslees

And The Storyteller says...

This time around Zero actually held down his alcohol better than before, to the point where the few more glasses didn't make much of a difference. He was actually commended on this, with a smile and nod of approval from Marble.

To the colt's question would come the answers, first from Scarlet and then from Sly.

The mare would point to her flank showing that of a heart in flames, "My determination, that no matter how hard it gets I never give up and pursue my desires with passion," Scarlet would offer, at least how she understood it.

"Mine involves my cunning, like a snake, and a talent for acquiring wealth," Sly offered, before he was tease with another saying, "Though you often lose it later." The unicorn offers a glad and a huff.

Cobalt would then answer saying, "Mine, well I have a talent for working in high winds and storms able to adjust myself to stay steady and keep working."

Now involving the enchantments on the ship, he could tell there was a number all around such as Resist Elements and a more powerful Resist Fire. There was a Shield spell and even Iron Wood rune strongest on the prow. There was even a spell on the wheel to help keep it steady.

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 22nd Jun, 2016 - 3:52am

26th Jun, 2016 - 2:09pm / Post ID: #
Zero Zodiac

Novice / Middle Rear
Character Sheet

Thomaslee's Ponyfinder: Age Of Adventure Main RPG Reviews & RPGs PBP Anime / Comic

And Unmarked says...

Zero retreated into is own thoughts, ashamed at not having his own mark and a history behind it. Everything he had tried so far hadn't worked; at least when he earned it, he would have quite a story to tell. But for now he sat silently, letting the others carry the discussion. Emboldened by the small effect of the drink, he imbibed another round.

Zero Zodiac Results:
  • Endurance on D20 (+1): 12 (1 roll)

27th Jun, 2016 - 2:13pm / Post ID: #

Page 15 RPG Main Adventure Age Ponyfinder Thomaslees

And The Storyteller says...

A couple of his fellow crew members took notice of the colt turning his attention to his flank and notice that he lacks the cutie mark. This leads Scarlet to speak and say, "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize!"

The mare seemed embaressed, though the others considered why Zero was such a late bloomer, her words drawing the attention of the others. Marble had been the other to notice at first, though had kept silent.

Zero had noticed that what he was drinking didn't seem to effect him as strongly, perhaps his body had gotten used to the alcohol or maybe it was just a bit slow to take effect.

Cobalt was the one to speak up asking, "So what led you to wishing to be a sailor? It can be quite the dangerous profession."

28th Jun, 2016 - 3:56pm / Post ID: #
Zero Zodiac

Novice / Middle Rear
Character Sheet

RPG Main Adventure Age Ponyfinder Thomaslees

And Unmarked says...

"Well… " Zero took a while to order his loose thoughts, grasping at them as though through a fog. "I think I have to try everything. I was in the area, just walking down the docks looking for odd jobs and your ship was just… inspiring! (Bluff) I'm going to try every possible job on board and see if I like it and if it will finally earn me my cutiemark.

"As for the danger. Well, I admire brave heroes and adventurers and wish I were more like them. But my heart seems to disagree. I find it hard to face my fears directly, I've always been more of a bystander."

Zero Zodiac Results:
  • Bluff on D20 (+8): 9 (1 roll)

29th Jun, 2016 - 2:20pm / Post ID: #

Thomaslee's Ponyfinder: Age Of Adventure Main RPG

And The Storyteller says...

Scarlet would believe the colt without any doubt, though a couple of the crew were not as sure as they studied Zero. Still there would be nods and smiles as another round of drinks were passed a round.

Scarlet would be the first to speak as she says cheerfully and offers Zero a small hug, "Well I at least can say that I'm glad you joined. I also know you will be able to face your fears and get your cutiemark!" The mare seems confidant of this, and her passion and cheer could be quite infectious.

"Well as long as you work hard and don't get into any trouble I think you o's be fine," Marble would add, offering agreement as he too felt that Zero could do well as a member of the crew.

Out of Character: Make another Endurance check if you have Zero drink another round. Also rolling a couple of Sense Motive checks.

DM Results:
  • Sense Motive on D20 (+0): 11, 18 (2 rolls)

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1st Jul, 2016 - 12:21pm / Post ID: #
Zero Zodiac

Novice / Middle Rear
Character Sheet

Thomaslee's Ponyfinder Age Adventure Main RPG - Page 15

And Unmarked says...

Zero finds it harder to resist drinking as the mood becomes uplifting and the previous rounds impair his judgement. He looks around for confirmation that his words seemed genuine to the gathered ponies.

However, he does start to feel full and prepares for a night of rest.

Zero Zodiac Results:
  • Endurance on D20 (+1): 17 (1 roll)
  • Sense Motive on D20 (+5): 16, 7 (2 rolls)

3rd Jul, 2016 - 11:23am / Post ID: #

Thomaslee's Ponyfinder Age Adventure Main RPG Comic / Anime PBP RPGs & Reviews - Page 15

And The Storyteller says...

Cobalt seemed to believe him, as to Sly as well though his smile could mean anything. If anything, the unicorn's expression showed that he actually was really good at gambling as it was difficult to get anything from it. The rest, they had not doubted him, at least not that could be seen. Really, it seemed that he truly had convinced the crew aa none questioned his words.

Sly would ask this though, it seemed if which wasn't directed at just Zero but the rest of the crew, "What are your thoughts on those that researcher choose for his little adventure? They seemed not very talkative. The one mare it seems will even be taking over as the ship's Captain."

Marble wpuld frown at this last part, which Scarlet would notice and say reassuringly, "Hey, I'm sure Professor Gray had good reason in appointing her such. I'm sure you could still be First Mate. The crew will support you being such."

Colbat, noticing Zero seemed ready to go to bed says, "Hey, sleep well. It will be your shift in the morning but somepony will come and get you." The colt was given directions on where he would b e sleeping, fifth door on the right in the crews' quarters.
((Sorry for my lateness, wasn't feeling well the L ast couple of days. Whenever you are ready, we can move onto the next day.)).

> TOPIC: Thomaslee's Ponyfinder: Age Of Adventure Main RPG


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