"Is that all you can do?" Zero taunts, "Just scratch me?" He shifts over to flank if possbile and then touches him with with swirling shadows around a hoof.
Out of Character: Even if there's a strength bonus you didn't include, Zero will still say that.
Shadowstrike, the shadow bloodline ability, dazzles the target for 1 minute.
I'm rolling for two rounds. If there's a second griffin I can reach and also get sneak attack on, I will target it (To spread the dazzle effect). Even if it's more than a 5-foot-step away, I'll roll acrobatics to avoid opportunity attacks.
Otherwise, I keep trying to flank the big one.
Zero's tactics are effective, as he's able to successfully attack and dazzle both the griffoness captain and one of her crew nearby. She growls, swiping blindly both withf her blade and one of her claws.
Retreating away, towards the starboard side comma she calls her crew and orders, "Back to the ship!"
Finally able to see enough to make out both Aquamarine and Zero she says, "I won't forget this! We will return, and you will regret opposing Captain Jade Claw and her crew."The pirates all make their retreat."
Edited: Thomaslee on 10th Aug, 2016 - 11:47am
Zero considers anchoring one of them as they make their escape, but considers the ponies gathered nearby. They might not approve of the shadowy nature of the spell and, besides, the griffiness already admitted to knowing nothing about their quest.
Instead, he opted to stare straight back threateningly, while trying to glean her emotional state and anything else he could read from her expression.
Her expression and words that of anger, even frustration as she swore her revenge. More, there was a determination there that implied she would return. Captain Jade did not seem the sort of griffoness that let go of a slight or wrong against her.
Yet it was feeling the hoof of his Captain who was behind him that would likely distract Zero. She was watching the pirate leave, before turning her attention to the colt and saying with a smile, "You fought well, but you do look familiar. I saw you at the lobby of the school no?"
Aquamarine recognized Zero from before, and wondered both why the colt disappeared and why he was on the ship now.
"The school, the school… " Zork pretends to be puzzled. "Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns? I doubt that… I don't have a horn. Maybe your confusing me with someone else. I don't even have a cutiemark, why would they take me?"
He tries to bluff his way out of this while making a mental note to work on his disguises.
Aquamarine looked a little confused, her expression showing that she believed Zero's bluff, before saying, "Ah, sorry for the mistake. I thought you looked familiar to a colt that I saw while there. Admittedly though your appearance isn't the same."
Out of Character: My apologies I actually forgot Zeros under disguise, that was my mistake.
Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Aug, 2016 - 12:48am
Out of Character: Or rather, was under disguise in the school. It wouldn't last long enough on the ship and he decided to be himself.
In Character: "That's honestly the first time somebody's said that," Zero replies. "Maybe I'll meet this doppelganger one day."
"So the first order of the day is done, what's second captain?"
This question is answered by a sudden whoosh of brown and white feathers as an owl perches on deck. It opens its beak and speaks! "Second order is why don't you tell me what exactly is going on!"
Zero replies through gritted teeth, "Dammit, Barnard. I was addressing the captain!" he points with his hoof. "What are you doing here?"
"What am I doing here?" the owl repeats incredulously. "What are you doing here my little pony?"
"I'm not little anymore!" Zero protests. "I'm going to see Equestria and see what earns me my cutiemark!"
"This is dangerous!" Barnard argues. "You could have been injured - or killed!"
"But I wasn't," Zero retorts.
"That's it!" Barnard snaps. "I'm putting my claw down. Lesson - your room - now!" Turning to the crew he says, "Excuse us for a moment. Please, carry on."
He flaps up on to Zero's rump as the colt slinks his head and walks away in embarrassment. They stay in the cabin for at least a couple of hours.
Many of the crew, counting Aquamarine herself could only look on in confusion and surprise at the exchange between colt and owl. Especially since it seemed the bird was in a position of authority over Zero, which will bring much discussion and many questions in the days to come.
Some of the crew would even started to try and hold back laugher or giggles, finding the situation beyond hilarious, before growing quiet look from the Captain.
The two would go to the cabin to discuss whatever they were going to talk about, and after a couple of hours there was a knock at the cabin door, before the door opened to show the Captain. She would try to seek them out calling, "May we talk, I'd like to understand this situation and learn a bit more of the two of you."