I'm joining this site because I saw an announcement in my Facebook feed for a Traveller role-playing game. I have played such games in the past, and I enjoyed them. I have other interests including oil painting, photography, and, most recently, 3D computer modeling. (I would include a link to my Flickr page, but I think that's against the rules here) Other than that, I can't think of anything really interesting about me. I'm fifty years old, liberal but not strident, and I live with a cat. In my messy little house, which is full of bad paintings that I've made. So this is my introduction, I hope you enjoyed it, if there's any follow-up questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
Welcome Future RPGer
We are glad that you have taken the time to register. To become an RPGer here is very simple:
1. Post 30 Constructive messages anywhere** in the Community thus proving you are capable of good Play by Post participation.The easiest way to do this is to Post in Topics that interest you.
2. After making 30 Core Posts request Role-playing Game status here, your Introduction Thread. Make sure your activity level is 75% or above. The activity level is to ensure that you are not one of those types that joins and then expect to play after days or weeks on inactivity.
3. Create your Future Earth character following these instructions.
I'm still interested in the role-playing, but I need to post 30 constructive posts before I can make a character. (This site has a lot of rules). So I'm looking at different posts, trying to think of something I can add that will contribute to the conversation. Do they need to be 30 posts in the role-playing boards? Or can I post things in the Arts boards and have them count towards my total?