Text Role-playing Game Creator Auto SRD Reference
One of the big issues with participating in Role-playing Games online is ensuring that everyone has access to the relevant manuals / rule books for the system they are playing. Some Role-playing Game systems will allow for their material to be displayed for free while others are very stringent and it can only be purchased. Sometimes the version of the same system can also matter. For instance version 1 cannot be openly displayed but version 2 can. The complexities of this makes it difficult to find the right info in the right place.
Game Masters across the net have tried to setup websites with a System Reference Document (SRD) and downloads to enable Players to get the relevant information but the problem is where? Which one is the most up to date? Which one is referenced better, etc. Therefore, I believe the proposed Text Role-playing Game Creator Auto SRD Reference will help that situation.
SRD Online 29 Nov. 2016
The SRD button is near the top of every Role-playing Game Thread next to the Etiquette and GM Stats buttons. You can see an example via the Text Role-playing Game Character Creator or access it directly: SRD Index (All).
On the script side I will code it to detect the version and Role-playing Game system the Player Character is using and then automatically display references to the locations of those SRDs! On the collaborative side Players will be able to suggest links to sites that are best suited for the information! Once vetted it is then displayed to all Participants in that Role-playing Game.
One of the great benefits of this is the elimination of links here and there or the GM having to constantly reference the Rules or where to find the SRD. Thus, the concentration on actual role-play can take place rather than "How" to role-play.
Text RPG Creator Auto SRD Reference (Hover)
Great idea. If you can also point out class information it will be perfect! Example: if you have a fighter then show the page for fighter class rather than just the whole book and you don't know where to start.
I think this would be very helpful both as a player and game master. What would the process be for determining which SRD is actually displayed? Is the link displayed in the character sheets or in one of the threads or would the game master post it in the opening post of the rules/support thread? I'm assuming the game master would be the one who ultimately determines which SRD would be linked/referenced. If it is not posted by the game master in the policy thread, what would the process be for the game master to have the chosen SRD link posted?
Totally about external SRD or will we able to use it to make up our own SRD too so we can store the information for our own use?
Play and Txt, I was not thinking about those angles, which would require something more encompassing in order to make it happen, as the idea is not to replace what is out there but just be able to find it quickly.
Maybe I can provide an area where GM's can make their own revised or custom SRD. What about if I created a Board for SRDs. A Thread could be a section of the SRD and then one page links to those.
For instance. You have the SRD Thread with a link to 'x' info and 'x' is actually another Thread with information. What might be good about this method is the replies could be comments about the content OR I could make it so there are no relies and it is purely for dispensing information. The possibilities are many.