Auto SRD Update
Later today I will release the Text Role-playing Game Creator's Auto SRD. I am still testing to make sure everything works well but I thought of preparing all Game Masters in advance by giving a release schedule for those that are interested in it.
The features for the Auto SRD include:
1. Link in your game to SRD.
2. Add, edit, delete entries
3. Add in your title and lots of space for elaborate descriptions, however you may want to spread content into more than one entry
4. All entries / updated entries require approval before being made public to preserve integrity.
Auto SRD Online
Now all Game Masters have their own SRD that can be activated using the SRD button in their Game.
You will find the SRD button next to the GM Stats and Etiquette buttons.
All should be well and self explanatory but should anything be amiss please use this Thread to bring it to my attention.
Use the SRD button within the Text Role-playing Game Character Creator Thread to see an example SRD or start here: SRD.
Auto SRD Updates
1. Game Masters: Added in a preview mode so you can see how your edits will appear once you save.
2. The input box is bigger and can handle a lot of content, however remember it does not all have to fit into one entry… feel free to split it up.