A Horror Continue The Story Role-playing Game
Rules: Everyone can join in. You must read the main theme or Scenario and then continue the story with the lead Characters in logical fashion based on the opening Post. New Characters can be added but the story should smoothly flow.
Options: Find More Games Like This or See An Example
Scenario: You're part of a bunch of curious neighborhood kids interested in checking out that strange house in a clearing within a forest about 5 blocks from your homes.
Start: You're one of the typical kids on the block now going through puberty. There is nothing better to do, so one evening as the sun is going down you and your pals come up with the bright idea to investigate a very strange house not too far from where you live.
A Horror Continue The Story RPG (Hover)
"What are we going to find when we get there, what will we do?" you nervously say to yourself as you start walking with your friends. Its not far away so you do not have much time to come up with a specific plan, but you do say…
"Duck, we need to stay hidden. I heard that the people in their eat children and that's why there are so many missing children in the news!" The rest of kids look at me with puzzled faces. "Yeah, its the truth… I heard it from… "
"My cousin's friend's sister's boyfriend who knows the area real well. He says this place used to be a lumber mill but after one of the workers got sawed in half after getting stuck on the belt its never been the same. He said it was foul play and the ghost of the worker still haunts the abandoned place. He says you can hear… "
"Moaning sounds at night like someone is being held prisoner or something. Trust me he knows what he is talking about." Some in the group roll their eyes and say…