I've been reading a lot about suicide on this site of late. Is it because of coincidence or are suicides increasing? Expectations from society causes a lot if depression and if not addressed it can lead to suicide. Dave gave his best to the sport but not to himself, unfortunately.
While suicide rates have increased in the US over the past decade, I feel our increased awareness is more about the ever presence of the media in our lives, specifically negative media. Bad news travels fast and with the 24 hour news cycle and social media sharing everything, bad news is everywhere.
The worrying thing is we have the deluge of bad news, and, as a society, shrug and think it's business as usual, rather than think about how we can make things better so these tragedies aren't as common.
The police haven't said it is a suicide yet its just apparent. He left behind his wife and two children. Some bikers that are legends in their own right said they wished he would have reached out to them so they could help. The sad thing is when someone reaches this stage they are the ones who need to be sought out.
I agree, we are knowing about things when they happen like never before that's what makes up the information age but what isn't getting to us is the truth of why it happens. Wrapped up in the facts is a lot of biased opinions that make cases like this become easily forgotten rather than highlighted as an example to help others who might be experiencing the same thing.