Are You Forgetful?

Are Forgetful - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 12th May, 2004 - 7:48pm

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Poll: Simply put, do you think you are a forgetful person?
  Yes       69.23%
  No       30.77%
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What is normal, what is not...
Post Date: 3rd May, 2004 - 11:39pm / Post ID: #


Are You Forgetful?

Could you imagine your spouse or close friend forgetting your Birthday? I am sure that would make you annoyed! We expect others to remember things about us, but we may not necessarily see it important to remember things about others. It is a normal part of life to forget, but what things should we never forget and how do you judge if a person is too forgetful?

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Post Date: 5th May, 2004 - 3:46am / Post ID: #

Are You Forgetful?
A Friend

Forgetful Are

I think this topic is hard to discuss because everything is relative. People prioritize things differently. I'm much more likely to remember things that are important to me, and things that are important to me may not be so important to somebody else. I think someone who is similar to "the absent-minded professor" is too forgetful - as in, when it gets to the extent that it seriously affects relationships and personal growth.

Post Date: 5th May, 2004 - 10:20pm / Post ID: #

Are You Forgetful?
A Friend

Are You Forgetful? UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

From a male point of view things we should never forget are
a)Your wedding anniversary
b)Your wifes/childrens birthdays
c)Mothers Day.
If you can remember these dates life is pretty simple. Forget them and all hell will break loose.
It's hard to judge whether a person is too forgetful. Maybe somebody who continually has to write things in their personal organiser is compensating for bad memory.

6th May, 2004 - 3:43am / Post ID: #

Forgetful Are

Your wedding anniversary is the most important one! what about your birthday? we always so concentrated in the b-days of others that sometimes we forget our own birthdays!. I'm a pretty forgetful person, not about dates and stuff but about things I need to do, that's why I try to write down everything so I don't forget.

6th May, 2004 - 11:36am / Post ID: #

Forgetful Are

For me memory retention can be measured based on the complexity of the task... for instance if you are asked to take out the garbage each day, but somehow forget then you have problems. If you are asked to memorize a list of word meanings in 20 minutes and then you are expected to recall it a month later then you are not necessarily forgetful. Most people refer to a person as forgetful if they continually ask them or remind them to do something and the person does not fulfill it because they have forgotten. This is usually associated with age, but not always. The other point is that some people choose to forget... yes, they value the importance of the information given and if it is not a top priority to them they somehow flush it out of the brain.

6th May, 2004 - 9:17pm / Post ID: #

Are You Forgetful?

The other point is that some people choose to forget... yes, they value the importance of the information given and if it is not a top priority to them they somehow flush it out of the brain.

This is what happen to me sometimes undecided.gif Just because it is not a priority to me, I tend to forget and don't pay much attention.

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Post Date: 7th May, 2004 - 6:04am / Post ID: #

Are You Forgetful?
A Friend

Are Forgetful

QUOTE (JB@Trinidad @ 6-May 04, 3:36 AM)
The other point is that some people choose to forget... yes, they value the importance of the information given and if it is not a top priority to them they somehow flush it out of the brain.

I agree with JB on this 100%.

I also agree with moo:
I'm much more likely to remember things that are important to me, and things that are important to me may not be so important to somebody else.

I tend to be forgetful. If I don't have it on my big calendar that I have tacked up on my wall, then I will not remember it. Like meeting dates, and even birthdays. I sometimes wish that there was a service that I could hire that would call and remind me about all the birthdays in my family! Oh, and that I could afford this service tongue.gif

Then again, I remember some of the dumbest, most trivial and silliest stuff!

Writing everything down in a daily organizer doesn't really help me DV8, because the organizer gets stuffed into the purse and I don't see it again until I write yet another thing down undecided.gif which could be days or even weeks later. This is where self-hypnosis would come in: **Remember to read the organizer --Remember to read the organizer - ** biggrin.gif (opps, wrong thread wink.gif )

ps. My birthday and anniversary was never remembered by my husband. I got so used to just celebrating them on my own. My family are habitually late with birthdays too. Our motto is: We don't forget it, we just delay it. I got my Christmas presents from my family this April!!! At least I got them before July.

Reconcile Edited: AGene on 7th May, 2004 - 6:10am

12th May, 2004 - 7:48pm / Post ID: #

Are Forgetful Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO

I said I wasnt' forgetful, but in reality I am becoming forgetful. In my younger days I forget just about nothing. I had an excellent memory. These days, I do not. I don't know if it is my age catching up to me or too much stress, but I am becoming more forgetful it seems every day.

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