Ditto's 'Mon 3.5e Main Game & Rules
Dungeons and 'Mons
This theme revolves around the world of 'Mon, all basic monsters known to Dungeons & Dragons have been replaced with 'Mon. These 'Mon are just like real creatures, they need to eat, and sleep. But as with real animals they can get sick, fatigued and possibly die. 'Mon are a rarity, they do not show up in the middle of towns and can only be captured in "Capture Balls", the only way to get to these 'Mons is by going to them. 'Mons are usually docile when unprovoked, but some species will attack all humanoids on sight.
The Campaign will take place centuries before the first 'Mon league was ever developed. Which means there are no rules or regulations to fighting outside of towns, money will follow the standard Gold piece (Gp) ruling (10 bronze for 1 silver, 10 silver for 1 gold)
Classes and races
All of the usual classes and races are available to use, a fighting warrior can attack other humanoids while still controlling his 'Mon verbally. Usually 'Mon are used to fight other 'Mon, but all players have the option to attack the 'Mon directly. For all weapons there is the option to use NONLETHAL damage against 'Mon, doing so will cause the 'Mon to be unable to attack until it is heals. To use Non lethal damage, simply state that you are doing so in your action
Capturing a 'Mon
Capturing a 'Mon is a simple task, as with the game you must first weaken the 'Mon before you try to capture it (You may still try to capture it, but with a very slight chance of success) There are modifiers you can use to heighten your chance of success (Sleep, Paralysis, and Frozen) that are available to both 'Mon, players, and enemies alike. Capturing a 'Mon is a simple equation (Which can be found externally) the success depends on 1d100 as the equation finds percentages and not regular stats.
Starting your Character
When creating your Character, make a character (Either using the generator, or some other source) as if you were playing a regular campaign, after you have your character setup choose one level 5 stage one 'Mon from the first and Second generation. No pseudo legendary and no legendary 'Mon are allowed. The move list for your 'Mon is the same as it would have been in game, starting at level 5
(If you start with a Totadile, it would know scratch, and leer. And gains Water gun at level 6) All 'Mons have a maximum move set of 6, you cannot learn any more moves than 6, but you are able to replace the move if needed be.
Your 'Mon will have it's base stats and base health which can be found at external sites
*All players will start with 10 Capture balls to begin with, please add them to your starting pouch
Battling with your 'Mon
Battling is the same as a regular game of Dungeons & Dragons, with the added fact that you also control a 'Mon, your 'Mon shares the initiative role with you, because if you cannot give commands, your 'Mon will not act. 'Mons have base stats ranging from Speed, Defence, Attack, Special Attack, and Special Defence. For the sake of the game, Speed is Dexterity, Defence is Constitution, Attack is Strength, Special is Wisdom, and Special Defence is Intelligence. You will round down to the nearest 10th, and the first number will be their stat in that respective category.
Attack - 65 = Strength - 7
Defence - 64 = Constitution - 6
Special Attack (SA) -44 = Wisdom - 4
Special Defence (SD) -48 = Intelligence - 5
Speed - 43 = Dexterity - 4
Remember to round up to the nearest whole number, the number in the 10th place is the stat.
Now that you know you 'Mon's stats, they will act as usual, they are affected by all regular buffs and debuffs that would affect a regular creature.
*Please note, the element type of the 'Mon attacking and recieving damage will follow as standard game rules would go, with slight damage changes
Example : A fire 'Mon using a fire type move will deal x1.5 to grass 'Mons, while a grass 'Mon attacking a Fire 'Mon will deal x0.5 damage to the fire 'Mon. Some types however will deal no damage to another 'Mon, depending on it's elemental type. All types and the increased or decreased damages can be found on external sites, but instead of x2 damage for a super effective, we will be using a x1.5 for the sake of the game. But x0.5 damage will remane the same.
What can I do with a 'Mon
In the game, players must teach their 'Mon an "HM" (Hidden machine). These "HM"S take up one of their move slots. So please note:
All Hidden machine requirements have been removed
That means, if your 'Mon is large enough to ride on, you may. If your 'Mon is strong enough to smash boulders, they can. If your 'Mon has large sharp claws to cut down trees, they can.
'Mon Breeding
If you ever find yourself in the situation where you want to, or need to, breed two types of 'Mon together, the same rules apply as within the game itself. The only difference is that Eggs usually occur during the night. So as a player you must wait one full day before you receive an egg, and it will take approximately a full week to hatch depending on the 'Mon
Other ways of evolving 'Mon
In the game, there are other ways of evolving 'Mon. This ranges from stones to trading, to happiness. Stones are found naturally in the wild (Fire stones are in Volcanoes, Water stones are in the ocean, ect ect) all a player must do to activate this is by touching the stone to the 'Mon and it will evolve
Trading 'Mon to evolve them is the same as it works in the game, however all a player must do to "Trade" a 'Mon is physically hand a 'Mon to either an NPC or another Player. The evolution will take 3 days however to occur
Happiness works the same way as in game but a player must have the 'Mon for an extended period of time (2-4 in game weeks) before the 'Mon will evolve. There are special circumstances to shorten this limit.
This is the main game thread, players will roleplay and act out situations here. If you have any other questions please ask in the question and support thread. If you would like to play, please post your character to the Character Creation topic.
Last updated 5/4/16 Edited: Ditto on 4th May, 2016 - 5:53pm
Two strangers meet on a dirt path in the forest that runs east to west, it is approximately noon and it is a hot and sunny day. The heat causes the forest around you to grow thick, and the smell of pine to grow thicker. The dirt path looks to have had recent activity as there are multiple wagon and cattle tracks headed to the east.
Out of Character For starters, why don't you two introduce one another?
A stout young dwarf stops at the side of the road, he takes off his head scarf and uses it to wipe the sweat from his forehead. He wears plain grey robe garments, loose where he needs them to have easy movement and the rest tied with hempen ropes tight. He watches the fields at the edge of the forest and feels the moist air coming from the vegetation, that gets the road into the forest. He stays a moment and then he turns to his 'mon, that walks by his side.
"What you say we find a place to take a break?"
The "Rogue" 'mon nods affirmatively and they walk towards a figure a bit further down the road.
Despite the heat the tall figure dressed in subtle forest tones is quite chipper as noted by the tune played through his bamboo pipes. Alongside him prances a "Serta" 'mon who mews and baas to the tune of the wooden pipes.
The 'mon appears to be unaffected by the heat as well and is enjoying the stroll heading West where ever this road may lead. It would seem that nothing could break the pleasure these two companions are having, when the "Serta" 'mon stops and looks to the side of the road.
Having walked a few steps further ahead, the musician stops and looks back at his friend at just the moment the dwarf and his companion appear in the distance heading East.
"Dozer, is it time to eat already? Can we maybe go a little further before you stuff your fuzzy cheeks?"
Dozer bleets and baas and insists that now is the right time and even the right place to take a lunch break.
Looking at where Dozer is looking the musician notes that there is a meadow amongst the trees with shade and a gurgling brook.
"Well my friend, once again your stomach has provided an ample solution."
As the dwarf and his companion continue down the road, the Piper follows his 'mon friend into the meadow clearing and sets himself beneath a tree to relax and take lunch.
Out of Character: : I certainly did not read a map anywhere. Must check for that again for cuty names and such. Or I could make it up on the fly.
The dwarf sees the human figure moving to the meadow and follows him there. He is somewhat intrigued to find another fellow trainer (Probably) and exchange tips or maybe a friendly fight. Edited: Morfeas on 5th Jun, 2016 - 5:36pm
As the two follow along the path the forest thinns out. The landscape slowly changes from a thick forest to a wide plains with scattered trees dotting the landscape. It is quiet now, with only the sounds of your own footsteps on dirt and stones can be heard. Edited: Ditto on 5th Jun, 2016 - 5:57pm
Cypher is glad that he is one of the Aasimar that can pass for human, but sometimes he does wish he had wings. Turning to face the other, now evident humanoid.
With a musical lilt to his voice, "Afternoon fellow traveler," Sizing the newcomer, "Sir dwarf, what brings you down this road?"
As Cypher is speaking, Dozer can be seen leaping and prancing to every musical word.