This is very interesting. My grandmother died from a stroke when she was in her early 90s. Other than that she was in excellent condition. She still walked to the store and back with bags of groceries. Had the stroke not taken her she could have lived another decade or more.
Brain's alertness circuitry conserved through evolution. Using a molecular method likely to become widely adopted by the field, researchers have discovered brain circuitry essential for alertness, or vigilance -- and for brain states more generally. Strikingly, the same cell types and circuits are engaged during alertness in zebra fish and mice, species whose evolutionary forebears parted ways hundreds of millions of years ago. This suggests that the human brain is likely similarly wired for this state critical to survival. Source 3f.
How the brain constructs the world. How are raw sensory signals transformed into a brain representation of the world that surrounds us? Investigators have now uncovered the contributions to perception of a brain region called posterior parietal cortex. They show that posterior parietal cortex contributes to the merging of signals from different sensory modalities, as well the formation of memories about the history of recent stimuli. Source 2z.