Researchers watch in 3-D as neurons talk to each other in a living mouse brain
No single neuron produces a thought or a behavior; anything the brain accomplishes is a vast collaborative effort between cells. When at work, neurons talk rapidly to one another, forming networks as they communicate. Researchers are developing technology that would make it possible to record brain activity as it plays out across these networks. Ref. Source 1d.
The brain is so complicated, it's amazing on how humans were formed thousands of years ago with such intelligence from there until now. It would probably take a good while before scientists make significant discoveries on how our mind works.
Scientists discover new mechanism of how brain networks form
Scientists have discovered that networks of inhibitory brain cells or neurons develop through a mechanism opposite to the one followed by excitatory networks. Excitatory neurons sculpt and refine maps of the external world throughout development and experience, while inhibitory neurons form maps that become broader with maturation. Ref. Source 7j.
Study discusses model for understanding nutrition and brain development
For nearly a decade, researchers have studied the piglet as a translational model to understand which aspects of early brain development are affected by nutrition interventions. In a recent review article, investigators provide background for the work they do with nutrition and neurodevelopment using the piglet as a model. Ref. Source 6p.
Brain is ten times more active than previously measured
A new study could change scientists' understanding of how the brain works -- and could lead to new approaches for treating neurological disorders and for developing computers that 'think' more like humans. Ref. Source 6c.
Scientists identify brain circuit that drives pleasure-inducing behavior
Neuroscientists have discovered a brain circuit that responds to rewarding events. Scientists have long believed that the central amygdala, a structure located deep within the brain, is linked with fear and responses to unpleasant events, but the new study finds that most of the neurons here are involved in the reward circuit. Ref. Source 2f.
Electrical 'switch' in brain's capillary network monitors activity and controls blood flow
New research has uncovered that capillaries have the capacity to both sense brain activity and generate an electrical vasodilatory signal to evoke blood flow and direct nutrients to neurons. Ref. Source 7q.