Hello! It's very nice to be here. I'm just your average girl who is a big fan of Traveler. I played it in person a couple good years back and thoroughly enjoyed the experience for a couple of years I was able to play with my group until life made us have to split up. It's been years now and I've tried other Tabletop Roleplaying Game's and have had fun, but nothing as fun as that first time playing Traveler. I went looking to try some forum Roleplaying Game's since I'm a loner in real life and have trouble finding groups to play with. Then I found this site on another forum site post. I hope to have fun here and meet a lot of new interesting people.
P.S. Excuse my Grammar if it sometimes isn't the best. I try my best to not make it to cringe worthy but sometimes I don't notice the mistakes until a couple days later when I look back at it.
Welcome Science Fiction Role-play Gamer
We are glad that you have taken the time to register. To start playing is very simple:
All Scifi Role-playing Games are kept here: Science Fiction Play By Post Role-playing Games
Within this Board you can select the type of Scifi you are interested in, for instance: Traveller Role-playing Game.
To create a Character: Aericsteele's Traveller Character Creation
Hi Demonicangel! That's a really nice introduction. Zydir gave you the info to get started but if you feel you still need help getting around please do ask here, your introduction thread, so someone can assist. Have fun!