So I am here because I found a link when looking for information on the fit for life diet. I am posting an introduction because well it said that I had to so here I am.
A little about me:
I am a 27 year old mother of 2 great kids ages 4 and 2. I am happily married and enjoy life to the fullest being a stay at home mother. We plan on homeschooling our children.
Why I am here:
I am looking for articles on weight loss due to the fact that I gained a lot of weight when I was pregnant with our son. I never had any trouble before that with weight gain. I weighed around 118 until the time that I turned 22 and gained up to about 125. I stayed there until I got pregnant. I actually tried to gain the weight due to my doctor telling me that I was underweight and unhealthily. Not because of anything other than I was just small for my height. I am 5'7". When pregnant with my son the day that I had him I weighed in at a whopping 200 pounds.
I tried to do everything right. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and exercise. I nursed him till he was 15 months old and I found out that I was pregnant with our second child. I had lost down to 170 pounds at the time. While pregnant with our daughter I had a partial abrupt ion of the placenta at 17 weeks pregnant putting me on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. I gained back up to 210 pounds. She is now fixing to turn two. She is still nursing and I have managed to get back down to 180.
I drink plenty of water try to eat the right foods however I am finding I either don't know what is right or I am doing something very wrong. So I am looking for the way to loose weight keep my health and my family's health great so that I can look forward to living a happy long life with my children and husband.
Other interests:
I enjoy hiking, camping cooking, dancing, and just spending time with my family. I haven't had much time to do the camping, hiking, and dancing lately due to being home with my children. I look forward to taking them hiking and camping as the get older.
I also enjoy learning more about natural health, politics, and various religions.
I believe that learning a little about everything leads to more open mindedness in life.
Most Liked Quotes: Life's too short to be unhappy.
And remember behind every successful mother is a basket of dirty laundry.
There has never been a time when man lied so much as after a hunt, during a war, or during an election.
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Welcome to the forums. I am sure if you look in the diet and exercise area you will find a lot of nice ways to assist you in losing weight. Since you a stay at home mother I am sure you know a couple stay at home mothers. I am sure you probably even have a friend not far down the block or street. Taking some time to go for a walk with the kids in a stroller and some comfortable shoes you and your friend can enjoy some weight loss. If you lose the weight slowly you will find you body adjusting to the change. You may not get back to the 120 - 125 range but if your below 140 you should be in a very healthy range. You need to see what your body fat percentage is at to see how fit you are. Anything under 15% I believe in a woman is not good. I could be wrong on that figure though.
Hope you have a nice enjoyable time here. I am sure there are many ladies who can give you advice.