Looking forward to the adventure. It was nice to see my current avatar in Falrun's Role-playing Game also available in ROK so I've secure that! I like that no one else can use the same avatar you have.
Town Artist Statues
The Town Artist now provides you with custom Statues to display in your Abode. Doing so gives a bonus towards your Leadership as well as a silhouette on your Character Sheet.
Leadership may not seem important to you now, but when you start to control your armies you will be desperate for it.
Impressive! Its the first time I've tried something like this other than a video game. Its impressive to have it like a book its kind of like Zork on steroids. *laugh* There is so much to explore and buy but the gold and time finish quickly!
Future ROK II Dialogues and 'Talk'
At the moment there isn't a conversation, only the character is saying something. However, this is what I will like to have happen:
1. For some characters I will like them to seem more real when they talk. For instance when talking with a wench she might share a story and say, "So I said… and then he said… " but mostly it will be them speaking.
2. I am going to create an interface where you can submit info for any page you are on in the game. Therefore, if you visit the armorer and you feel you have some good dialogue for him to say then you will be able to submit right there without having to worry about Emailing it to me. This will be true for all Players.
Submit Your Text Or Bugs Easily
If you've found a bug or think a page needs to be worded better or you have dialogue / text enhancements then there is a custom page to do it within ROK II.
To the bottom of every page in ROK II is a button "Submit Your Text or Bug". Click on it and fill in the form - that's it!
There is no longer a need to Post bugs, errors, grammar changes or add your submissions here or to my Email.
Working On…
I'm working on the code for the first Quest which will also act as a template for other Quests. Just like I did with The Town, where you saw one or two shops open and then once I was finished with the template I could create lots of shops, the Quest template will allow me to create many Adventures. I'm also making it in such a way that it will be easy for Players to submit their own Quests for other Players.