You do not make different ROK II Character to form your party. The only time you are allowed more than one Character is if you are an Upgraded Member and in that case you are allowed one extra Character. Therefore, your Party will be partially made up of set characteristics and your input into the look, name and attitude of each member of your Party. Even so, their primary responsibility will be to assist you in Combat.
I'm not sure on exactly what I need to do to make sure nothing happens to this account, since I can't post outside of RoK II, but I have made sure to offer some activity in playing as Aaroni. Mosty training, both in the Body Guild and the Temple, since I gained a bunch of extra turns.
Aaroni has nearly mastered everything the temple could teach him, now making him a very potent user of holy magic. The Restore spell being the last I need to have him fully train in really, though it is also the most expensive spell that I have seen so far.
It's just too bad that Dungeons & Dragons deities don't exist in RoK II, as Lathander I feel could very well be perfect for Aaroni at this point. Admittedly, I could perhaps offer to provide lore of a Sun deity of my own devise.
Edited: Goldendawn on 11th Sep, 2017 - 5:53pm
Your account is fine as you Posted here although you could / can do it in the game and it counts as the same thing. Deities will be allowed in the future and you will be able to make your own too, however one thing at a time and right now I need to get funding for Armies, Party, etc.