I remembered you having the two characters at the same time. I was thinking about doing that since I'm premium but I thought it would be too much to manage so I stuck with the one.
It requires having a Premium account, which allows you to create a second account just for playing RoK II. Thus having a character on your main account, and one on the secondary account though only for such.
Edited: Thomaslee on 23rd Jul, 2018 - 2:20am
Lace you probably wouldn't want to do that even if you had a premium account because it takes a lot to maintain just one character. Of course if you're dedicated and want to get more out of the story using different choices then go for it.
Palace of Parody Update: Lady Fluke now has an option for the Burlesque Games which works on a time line (She opens and closes it). When open you can participate to gain PP no matter your Character's situation. You also will have the chance for a bonus should you win. There is also a leader table to show the top winners.
Next On the Table: I will be opening the Llafair's Secret Order soon to cater for Characters that are not partial to the Brothel. The Order will have a feel of the Templars and will allow the progression missed by the Character who chose a certain path.
Battle Map: Are you ready? We are at 90%.