Oh well, I was pushing the boundaries until I met a wyvern on the plains and he took me out. Hunter has died so many times that the FP is too much to resurrect him. I am going to create a new character with a clean slate so even if I get kicked at high level I can restore him quickly. Looks like Krusten is at the top of the pack now.
The plains are cruel but thanks for moving aside so the rest of us can have some wiggle room to show up our character.
I'm also expecting that when I have armies at my beck and call I will gain more experience in a 'safer' fashion as they do all the work *wink*.
That's the problem, you need enough supply of forum points to enable another ressurrection.
What tavern does your new character like to frequent, Hunter. Cedrick will come and share an ale and have a chat.
Oh, what's his name? Will be on the lookout.