You can know which assignments have combat and which don't if you read the story but I think maybe some aren't reading like JB says and just clicking to get to the next page. Its probably like how video gamers want cheat codes to get past certain parts of a game. I never understood the fun in that. What's a game if there aren't any challenges?
I agree with Krusten about having everything laid out in front of a Player so their Character never dies. Some Players love meta-gaming or cheating their way to victory - I am not one of those.
On another note, I am tweaking things in the background as I get time. There have been some bugs that I have fixed and things that I have enhanced but nothing that significantly changes game play so I have not Posted it here as an "Update".
I've been exploring with my armies around the battle map and I think you have it all working correctly now that the bugs have been fixed. I can see my character gaining a lot more experience this way than the traditional method but it has me wondering if this might mean an over reliance on the army to go up levels rather than lone adventuring?
Everyone: I have completed the testing of the Army Combat system. I will like to thank Krusten for testing. Army Combat system deals with large scale numbers and takes into consideration the size of the armies, how skilled they are and the type of Generals that are leading each side. The outcome is updated here: Battle Map: Large Scale Military Campaigns. You gain experience and gold from the conquests of your Armies so reaching this stage is very favorable for you as a Player. Armies acquire their own gold for whatever they need and give a portion to you.
Krusten, since it is likely that only a high level Character that will reach this stage the process of leveling up will equalize because the higher the Character level the more experience will be required. As for gold, while it will be nice to gain huge amounts of gold you still have to manage it since you will need to replenish the troops that die and / or create new Armies once your conquests begin.
Below is a screenshot of Combat calculations.
Ruler Of Kings 2 Text RPG General Discussion (Hover)
Awesome JB, too bad my character died off before I was able to test that part of it.
As for Krusten… the rest of us are worrying about trying to stay alive to get an army while Krusten worries about getting too much gold and experience. *sigh* Some people have it too easy *wink*.
That was an error in the ROK script due to PHP 7 reading some code differently to how it is read in PHP 5. It has been fixed now so you can use the Tavern as normal. If anyone else catches anything that is not functioning as it should please let me know as we only transitioned to PHP 7 yesterday evening. Therefore, there may be errors or codes that do not function as they should.
Thanks for that I can get to the tavern again. I might use here to report other errors because if the page is blank then I can't use the usual bug report button.