That was fun testing JB. I'm glad the multiple skills showed and its awesome that it calculates everything for both routine and not so routine tasks. It will make the game move lots faster. Fantastic to see the result show right away like it does during solo play. Now if we can get that barracks in the battlefield *wink*.
I've just thrown up one here: Portal (Play By Post Scenarios). It covers the basics but I know a more in depth one is needed. That will come as I get a chance to write it.
Work on the Portal (See here) is coming along nicely. You can see Krusten and myself testing it out using some rudimentary rolls and some basic role-play via a Portal page.
The Dice makes a roll against a chosen skill and automatically tells you the result based on if the task is Routine, Difficult or Formidable. This eliminates the need for the Dungeon Master to consider any modifiers for a task. In this way, the Dungeon Master can simply say from beforehand if a certain challenge will be "Difficult" so you know which success margin for which you will be looking.