Hello All,
I’m new here and am looking for some guidance.
I’ll preface my question by saying that the little that I have read on this thread makes me think this community frowns upon asking questions that have answers that are readily found written in some place or another.
With that said, excuse me if this is one of those questions. I am in the part of the game where I need to “introduce” my Advisor. I’ve chosen the Politician but have no real understanding of the political titles, positions, etc. That I can choose from to build this advisor character.
I’m starting to do some reading (Just via online articles) about medieval political systems, but am wondering if there is somewhere specific I can read about this topic and others related to the setting I find myself in.
I’ve checked the Player’s Manual but haven’t run across anything yet.
Thanks in advance for your help.
- Stormbreaker.
Edited: Stormbreaker on 20th Jul, 2019 - 6:56pm
Stormbreaker, its not that the Community frowns on questions - it is intelligent to ask questions. I believe what is considered annoying is someone insinuating things about the game just because of the way they played it.
Additionally, some want a quick fix to get past everything as though it were an arcade game despite the many warnings in the Rules and Start section. ROK II is a story YOU create, so just like any book there is a beginning and middle and an end.
Now, to address your question which is a good one, you will decide your Advisor's political affiliation or their ideals and their affiliation with you. Again, its your story, so you decide that. What ROK II attempts to do is make a connection between you and NPCs but not the why, when or how - you decide that.
Thanks for clarifying, JB.
So if I want kings, barons, knights, serfs, etc. - then choosing to have those titles in “my story” would not cause any conflict in the game and other players if I choose to interact with them?
I’m sorry if this is all very basic, but I’m still trying to grasp how the game mechanics are tied in with the characters and backstories I create, and I am just trying to tell my story in a way that blends in harmoniously with the overall setting.
(Perhaps I am misunderstanding the impact that the journal has on the gameplay?).
Edited: Stormbreaker on 20th Jul, 2019 - 8:45pm
Your journal is yours and essentially does not affect game play, however it has to make sense otherwise people would write that their Advisor gave them 10,000 gold pieces in 3 sacks. In other words, the background story is yours but the actions and what happens is based on what you do in the game. I hope that helps you understand the concept.
Sure, in the game there is a small button "Add Text" that allows you to submit text to certain pages that you think need clarification so you are welcome to submit it for the Start & Rules if you think something is not clear. In this way, Players shape what future Players may need to know.
At the moment, it doesn't, and there are no plans to introduce it either. I want Characters to feel more 'free' rather than have restrictions common to Dungeons & Dragons rules.