This game is totally cool. Those bat swarms have been getting too close for my liking. Ive already died twice and if it weren't for the FP I didn't spend since I've been a memeber I would be looking for a new character.
Surprisingly I made it through the labyrinth, even able to fight off rat dogs and bats much unexpectedly, but I am now healing up to full HP before trying again… And training skills.
Edited: Thomaslee on 28th Jul, 2016 - 3:36pm
One possible disadvantage I think I may be putting myself through is the fact I am picking many skills that I don't believe JB has programmed into the game yet to be of use.
Languages, Drama, Music, and Geography. Heck I have a 10 in Calligraphy and Mesmerize that I trained up earlier before the first quest, not sure if I'll ever be able to put either of those to use any time soon. Laughs.
Edited: Thomaslee on 28th Jul, 2016 - 3:43pm
Okay going through the Labyrinth the second time did not turn out well. It was taking at least twice as many turns as last time and I frustratingly came upon like five bats swarms… my character is now in Limbo until I can gather together the forum points I need to resurrect him.
Given how I have invested real money into Jonathon at this point, I definitely do not want to lose him if I have a choice in the matter. I will start posting elsewhere to try to build up forum points, but I may just have to wait until I get some more money so I can offer another donation.
Edited: Thomaslee on 29th Jul, 2016 - 12:03am
Yeah, I learned the hard way that its best to have a reserve of FP before your character goes on a quest and dies. Also, before you go make sure and heal up. I'm looking forward to carrying some kind of healing potion but I'll bet they're really expensive.
I like this game! I did not play it regularly. I started a character when it first came out and only just now revisited it and can't believe how its grown!
Sad to say my character already died in the labyrinth but I had enough FP for a quick fix. I think some way of recovering HP during a battle is a must! Thanks for the game.