In the first Post of this Thread is a button to it. I am being discreet for now as I will need feedback on bugs, comprehension issues due to bad grammar / explanations and so forth.
Those willing to provide info on bugs and errors please use the Contact Page and be specific so I can locate the problem. Information such as:
1. Page title, chapter and page number you are on
2. What you were trying to do
3. The exact error message you got
Players who just want to comment on it can please feel free to add that in this Thread.
No error message just a word selection on page 2 when discussing Pages and Chapters.
Third line down. Sentence
Based on what I see in the database you should be able to access the name option. When you say "Beginning" you mean Chapter 2 or Chapter 1? There is a link always at the top that says the last saved location, did you click on that to get back to the page where you name your Character?
If you get an error message please quote the exact text as well as what you tried to do just before so I can attempt to recreate the error.