Everyone: Where I am at…
* There was a bug that takes you from patrol sleep to Llafair instead of back to the patrol, that has been fixed.
* I need to correct quest eating and sleeping facilities. You should be able to use rations and your tent to overcome those. I need to put the checks in place. I did add in the ring of sustenance.
* As you may have seen, we've put up a lot of explanatory videos about ROK II, your feedback is appreciated. I am currently working on a unique video to compare how ROK II fits in with other typical types of Role-playing Games.
* Soon I will launch an Indigogo campaign to raise funds to continue this massive work which needs to expand into many cities, many Quests, controlling armies and so forth. When I launch I will see how much of a buzz there is about it and if role-playing gaming land is will to support it. Should be a success I will also simultaneously build a Science Fiction version! Imagine the possibilities!
* Please help me get the word out there. Let people know what you are playing: ROK II.
For me saying text role-playing gives the impression that its just about text like a MUD and my day in ZORK but there are images and controls that allow you to do repeat actions like training which you don't do in a text Role-playing Game.