I do not specifically say what to do but I do hint where to find the answers. From a strategic stand point I know you want to be competitive but since ROK II is a new game I also have to ensure Players understand what is built in to assist them in having the best Character possible.
I agree with JB There should always be a medium to help someone who wants to play otherwise how will they get their questions answered or even get that hint that there is a solution to the problem they encounter.
I feel that it is JB's job as moderator/creator to answer these questions, but the other players do have a certain incentive not to answer because then they can advance more quickly and have less rivals. JB has said plenty of times (And it is written everywhere in the game) to read everything thoroughly. If someone is still racing through and barely reading certain things, but keeps dying because of it, I feel that it is that player's fault. I have encountered a few things that are difficult, but even so, I go read more information (In the game) and then figure it out for myself. I don't mean to say that anyone is less deserving of help, but sometimes you gotta let people struggle and figure things out for themselves. It is a much more rewarding experience.
Edited: Alchyrogue on 11th Jan, 2017 - 7:17pm
Hey don't get me wrong I'm not objecting to helping anyone at all but I feel that some players are just lazy in the way they approach the game. "My character died so its because something is wrong with the game" kind of attitude is just whining because they want the easy way to find out what to do next. One thing that is missing in ROK, well not actually missing but I know those accustomed to Play By Post or tabletop will be missing it, is the fact that you can't count on other players to figure things out for you like you would in a party. Because of that some might become confused about what to do next when something happens but like Alchyrogue said you have to read the info or search it out.
I do read, and again I am in a position where I am actually doing well. I don't see my words previously as whining or complaining, especially since I have come to do well in the game.
My issues are different from rushing through the game and not paying attention, except perhaps the two tournament as I simply overestimated Jonathon capabilities because of how easy patrols had become.
Perhaps I have had questions or frustrations that come from missing certain details, but generally as a whole I have been reading. Especially when coming into something new, but if it is something repetitious such as patrols I mainly pay attention to key words such as whether or not the marauders have archers.
Otherwise, I have very little to worry about with such at the moment. Still, if it is not too much to ask, if I am missing something I would appriciate some advice on where I can find such in the game.
Edited: Thomaslee on 11th Jan, 2017 - 8:00pm