I'm actually on the patrol right now. I click each move button with a worry that I might encounter something that my character can't handle. Its not as boring as much as monotonous to finish the patrol but I don't mind it because it really helps to go up in level very fast.
The Event module I am working on will make it easy for Players to submit events that can happen anywhere in the game. For example on the Patrol a Player can submit a random event that might happen, the story behind it and the outcome. In this way, there will always be new stories and actions for your Character from people all around the world.
That will really awesome JB. I can see myself already creating some real devilish events for other players. Wait, how do we gauge who fits an event. Suppose we make something really difficult and a character just starting out comes across it?
The form for submission will allow you to suggest what level you are catering for. We also check it for balance. For instance we will not allow someone to submit an event where a Character kills a Dog Rat and gets 1,000 GPs.