Whenever I update ROK II again I will probably introduce some things especially for new Players so they understand what ROK II is about, however maybe it won't matter because the game is not for everyone and from reading the kind of questions I get privately and the feedback here it comes down to this: they do not read. In any case this might help:
1. During Character creation some default Skills may be offered that the Character already knows at 1st level.
2. Emphasis on providing a FIRST name only for a Character. Players still try to stuff everything in the first name only field and it looks ridiculous.
3. In the opening story whole pages dedicated to emphasizing the pace of the game.
4. The ability to level up more than 0.5 per turn with consequences.
Small But Necessary Updates
1. When someone wants to Delete or Abandon their Character then a locked status is given so they cannot keep playing the game while waiting for the Dungeon Master to approve it. If it is not approved the locked status is removed and the Player is asked to try again via auto Email.
2. During Registration the emphasis on what the expectation for ROK II should be to eliminate time wasters that are not here to seriously be part of the story. Read the new page: Is ROK II Text Role-playing Game Right For You?
Just now you will have to publish a page for them to read about the page that says they need to read. *laugh* I don't understand how you can expect to play a text role-playing game without reading.
Wizard, I wouldn't be a surprised.
Hunter, good question. There is lots that goes on in the background and via Email that isn't shown in this Thread.
Yes, they sometimes enter all kinds of nonsense and hope it gets approved so they can move on quickly. Then when it doesn't happen they gripe. This is mostly from people who just joined the Community.
I forgot to mentioned that from my 4 points at the top of this page I've already done #2 and #3 to help alleviate the constant need to moderate / fix.
Name: Marvin
Comments: I'm not a very good writer. I think my English high school teacher used to hate reading my essays. Still I want to know if I can play this game if I can't write good stories.
Marvin, you do not have to be a very good writer to participate in ROK II, but you do have to be constructive in your submissions. Most written parts require approval, if there is a problem with your submission then we will guide you, so do not worry.
ROK II Small Updates
1. During Combat you get a better breakdown about how tired your Character and the Enemy are from round to round. Make sure to look at Dungeon Master notes at the bottom of each Each Combat round Page.
2. Tired stats have more understandable numeric values rather than being in the negative range.
3. When tired your Max ability to hit the enemy is shown under Dungeon Master Notes.
4. Placeholder buttons set at Llafair: Brothel and Secret Order for future development.
5. Character Sheet now has a new box for Relationships (Future development). You will note that ROK II will allow you to have many kinds of relationships from family to lovers.
6. Added to Players' Manual: Combat
7. Event Submission has further instructions of what NOT to submit. Players keep writing to the Player or assume things about the Character than just aren't there. Players need to keep away from assumptions and tell the story in general terms.
A Reminder that our February Donation Drive continues. With your support we can add some great features to ROK II, but only if we meet our target.