Pennsylvania Bounty Hunters
In your experience who are the best Bounty Hunters in Pennsylvania? You may also like to consider how a Bounty Hunter in Pennsylvania commonly selects Bounty Hunting for extra income thus making it a second job. Are professional Bounty Hunters in Pennsylvania known based on experience or referral?
What is the average cost of getting into Bounty Hunting?
Who oversees / licenses Bounty Hunters in Pennsylvania?
Do Pennsylvania Bounty Hunters have any courses set to learn the profession?
Re: Pennsylvania Bail Bond Agencies / Bounty Hunters
Original Post Date: 28th Aug, 2010 - 12:47am
Name: Trailsman
Comment: My name is B. Brunner, go by Trailsman, Company name Trails-End Bail/Fugitive Recovery Owner Robert Brunner Cell# (724) 664-5669 Fax# (724) 354-2537 Certified NSIN#RB0609 Experience 1-3 yrs Signature: In the horizon or around the corner We are the Trails-End.
Name: Rambo
Comments: Getting Started As A Fugitive Recovery Agent
Original Post Date: 15th Feb, 2009 - 7:37pm
Seeking information into the Fugutive Recovery Agent profession. I am a Montgomery County Pennsylvania Residence who resides on the border of Philadelphia County. My background and demographics; I am a 39 year old male, 10 years of military experience as an MP, Associate in Criminal Justice, BS in Human Services, finishing an MBA, completely spotless criminal record and in solid phyisical condition. For the past 5 years I have been in corporate America working in HR/Talent Acquisition. Now, being a part of the economic times and downsizing statistics, I am interested in moving to a job that makes a difference, has daily variety and a future. In the morning, I will be telephoning area Bailbonds seeking information but hoping to a start on gathering this knowledge today. Can anyone offer some help? Thanks much!