Heterosexual Pride Day
Should there be a "Heterosexual Pride Day" if we have a Gay Pride Gay? Depending on your answer you may or may not find the question ridiculous. If you are thinking like I am then you will of course say "no", so then why is there a "Gay Pride Day"?
Now we already have a Discussion on Gay Pride Day HERE, so my purpose in this Topic is just as it reads... "Should there be a "Heterosexual Pride Day"?
I don't think anyone would participate, at least not like the outrageous events that happen on the "other" day. If anything, I think we should celebrate heterosexuality by living it with dignity on a daily basis, supporting it in legislation, and fighting the degradation of these standards globally as much as possible.
Short answer - no.
Constructive answer - why? Gay pride day is more accurately "in your face" day. If it really is necessary to have a "pride day", I think it would be more appropriate to have human pride day. A day where everyone can show what a decent human being they are and proud of it.
I think the better response would be to live your life on a daily basis so that others will respect you regardless of your chosen lifestyle.