Racism Among Muslims

Racism Muslims - Studies of Islam - Posted: 6th Jun, 2017 - 12:08am

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Islam racists
Post Date: 5th Jun, 2017 - 9:29am / Post ID: #

Racism Among Muslims

Remembering the great Muhammad Ali as a black Muslim. On how Muhammad Ali's death started a debate on anti-blackness within the Muslim community. Source 5w.

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Post Date: 6th Jun, 2017 - 12:08am / Post ID: #

Racism Among Muslims
A Friend

Muslims Racism

Okay, I went through military's language school in Monterey, California. It was a great year+. I can tell you that there are castes and racism among Muslims. Let me explain. The Egyptians come from the most populous Arab nation, and they consider themselves superior to everyone. The Iraqi's come from the most westernized Arab country, so they consider themselves superior. The Syrians consider themselves the most warlike, so of course they are superior. And above all of them are the Sauds, because they come from the land of Mohammed and the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina. So, they are vastly superior. And behind all of them are those poor Muslims from further south. Yeah, there is a fair bit of Racism there.

> TOPIC: Racism Among Muslims


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