9/11 mosque
The World Trade Center Towers have not yet been re-built, but there is one building right across from ground zero that's on schedule to open soon: it's a mosque. Hey if you want to build a mosque there, whatevs, go for it - but what has people really upset is that the dedication date is set for (you guessed it) 9/11/11. We have American kids getting tossed out of school for wearing American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo (a Mexican beer holiday) because they were being insensitive. But it's totally cool to open a mosque right across the street from ground zero on 9/11? Glenn has this story and Eric Holder audio as he continues his streak of idiotic comments. Ref. Source 6
Extremism at Ground Zero (Again)
By Stephan Salisbury
There is a distinct creepiness to the controversy now raging around a proposed Islamic cultural center in Lower Manhattan. The angry "debate" over whether the building should exist has a kind of glitch-in-the-Matrix feel to it, leaving in its wake an aura of something-very-bad-about-to-happen. Ref. Source 6
"I Fear for My Country": Muslim Leader Daisy Khan on Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque and Others Nationwide
Debate is intensifying over the planned construction of an Islamic center and mosque two blocks from New York's Ground Zero. But it is not just a local issue. Across the country, Muslim groups are facing attacks over plans to build new mosques. We speak to Daisy Khan of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, one of the main organizations behind the mosque project, and the wife of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf; and Stephan Salisbury, cultural writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer and author of Mohamed's Ghosts: An American Story of Love and Fear in the Homeland. Ref. Source 1
The more and more I here of this debate the more I think that people are going to resort to violence over this issue, I hope that people come together to a table or open forum where they can talk and sort out their differences so that what ever happens everyone is satisfied with the end result.
Name: Philly
Comments: What I don't understand is why they are fussing about this when its two blocks away from the actual site? I could understand if the mosque was being built in place of where the twin towers once stood but its not like that.