If you grind your own mustard as well is is the best! Hard on your wheel so do it once it is ready to replace then grind up a who big bunch.
Corn grows easy but does take rrom a fenc line works well I find and hide that caged in look.
I am so envious. Growing corn in Alaska can be done but the effort is hardly worth it. It is easier to buy it from Costco. While it is still good, there is nothing like fresh picked corn right out of the garden. It is so much better! Kind of like fresh caught Alaskan salmon and halibut.
I have never tried Halibut. Sadly now I can try anything and not enjoy its unique flavor. I would hope that someday you all get the chance to come visit Iowa. Take a ride across the state in July on a bike or spend a day wandering around the state fair grounds in mid August. Either way I am sure you can get some fresh picked sweet corn. A lot of people sell it from the back of their pick up trucks on some corner.
It is nice to see that the sweet corn is now making its way to the markets. I truly missed having sweet corn grown locally during the celebrations last week. I hope that I can eat enough now to make that memory of not having it go away.